Former Student Has First Story Accepted for Publication!

It's My Birthday! Party Wooo! (also TGIF)I have some very exciting news to share with you!

Edwin Vega-Roman, one of my past students and one of our fellow readers, just notified me that his short story, “Evol Nam,” has just been accepted by The Avalon Literary Review!

It’s scheduled to appear in the magazine’s Winter 2014 Edition in early February; and it will be his first published piece.

I asked him if he had any advice for us as writers, and this is what he had to say:

In all honesty, I wrote [“Evol Nam”] based off of a genre that a lot of literary magazines are looking for, which is Gay/Lesbian fiction. And the topic of homosexuality is very close to me because two of my best friends are gay. I had them read the piece and give me feedback. So, I guess write and submit stories tactically targeting publishers wants/needs, and like many others have told me, write what you know!

(You can read more from Mr. Vega-Roman on his blog, Edwin Vega-Roman: Aspiring Writer and Book Geek.)

I will have a cold one in your honor, Edwin! Congratulations!


Photo credit: Sam Ilić / Foter / CC BY-NC


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